This online Abu Dhabi heavy vehicle theory test questions and answers, with multiple choice questions, is intended to help you prepare for the RTA written theory test that is required before you can get your truck or bus driver’s license. It is all FREE!


Abu Dhabi Truck 1 - English

1 / 25

You should adjust your seat so that when the clutch pedal is floored, your leg bends at?

2 / 25

The low air pressure warning gauge should reach full pressure after?

3 / 25

When lifting heavy objects, you should have?

4 / 25

You should check your external lights are working by?

5 / 25

Why do heavy vehicles need more judgment and driving skill than others?

6 / 25

If your vehicle is tilting, it could be caused by?

7 / 25

You should check all your controls with?

8 / 25

You should measure tire pressure in each wheel by?

9 / 25

You are driving an 18 wheeler truck, how many tires can be worn or faulty for the vehicle still to be safe?

10 / 25

Which of these foods is best to eat when on a long trip to avoid fatigue?

11 / 25

Its vital that your load is?

12 / 25

loading gate or headboard is found where?

13 / 25

Which of these may indicate a loose wheel nut?

14 / 25

You must inspect your heavy vehicle?

15 / 25

In what way can alcohol make you a better driver?

16 / 25

An air brake system should not lose more than how much pressure between stops?

17 / 25

So you can pass safely under bridges, its vital that you know your?

18 / 25

All fluids should be kept topped up?

19 / 25

If you have to change a wheel, your priority should be?

20 / 25

Why should you make sure your cabin is clear of all rubbish?

21 / 25

The Gross Vehicle Mass represents?

22 / 25

On a airbrake vehicle, how can you tell if the air intake filter is blocked?

23 / 25

When your vehicle is parked on the right-hand side of the road, you should approach it from?

24 / 25

You should take care when taking medication?

25 / 25

Which of these drugs can overcome feelings of tiredness?

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